Let Your Question Do The Walking
- How do I maximize the value of my business when I leave?
- As a small business owner, how do I plan for my own and my employees’ needs?
- What are the tax consequences of the succession plan?
- How can I most effectively transition my business?
- I need retirement income from my business.
- How will I divide company shares and leadership responsibilities between my children?
- I want to retain control over my business for some period after retirement.
- What happens to the business if one partner is incapacitated?
- What is a buy-sell agreement between business partners?
- What if my partner gets a divorce and the settlement calls for the spouse to receive a portion of our joint business assets?
Strategy before Tactics
Business Succession Planning is simply planning in advance for the transition of your business at the inevitable time of your retirement, disability or death, thereby protecting your investment for your heirs as well as the jobs of your loyal employees. Without Succession Planning, your business could be forced to close because of estate taxes or disputes among heirs or heirs and current owners.
We at Progressive Financial Strategy realize your business goals and strategies change over time. We execute your wishes in an efficient and cost-effective manner with continual review to update and adapt your business succession plan as your circumstances change. We offer personalized attention as we work closely with you to identify your goals and objectives, recognize potential problems, and develop innovative solutions in areas such as:
- Family succession planning
- Shareholder agreements
- Buy-sell agreements
- Exit strategies
- Transfer of ownership
- Family estate planning
- Asset protection
- Business formation and restructuring